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Very excited for this! https://t.co/VqVhMMxoqt


A sneak peak of this year's VIAT Festival! Expect to see a variety of Art, Literature, Drama and Music performances from students across the Trust. Also attending this year is who will be performing creative Freestyle Football and hosting masterclasses on the day! pic.twitter.com/tqRjlaW6cg


A sneak peak of this year's VIAT Festival! Expect to see a variety of Art, Literature, Drama and Music performances from students across the Trust. Also attending this year is who will be performing creative Freestyle Football and hosting masterclasses on the day! pic.twitter.com/tqRjlaW6cg


Are you looking for a new challenge? We would like a brilliant SRP teacher to join our friendly team! You can find all the details on our website: https://t.co/uPsLva9dHG You can also watch a video about our fabulous Trust SRPs here: https://t.co/NaOQAbXLk9 pic.twitter.com/e0RQPvp2pD


Would you like to join our friendly team? We are currently looking for an SRP Teacher - you can find all the details on our website: https://t.co/sH8E48iHEW pic.twitter.com/dTxMhym8Yl


We are currently looking for a one-to-one Teaching Assistant and an after school Playworker to join our friendly East Borough team - you can find all the details on our website: https://t.co/1rEz9G9Wy7 pic.twitter.com/6sXBUEpfQs


Are you looking for a new challenge? We are looking for Schools Out playworker to join our friendly team for 15 hours per week. You can find full details here: https://t.co/1rEz9GaunF pic.twitter.com/AhSv1BHDW2


Would you like to join our friendly team? We are looking for a term-time cleaner to work 12.5 hours per week. You can find all the details here: https://t.co/1rEz9G9Wy7 pic.twitter.com/C1doMtTF84


Book fair! Tuesday 29th November 2022 and Thursday 1st December 2022 (3.15pm – 4pm). Card payments available. pic.twitter.com/XrgZoqsFoJ


Don't miss the Valley Park School Scholarship evening on 11 October 2022 - visit their website to book your place now - https://t.co/h9O5JNzllA pic.twitter.com/pdP1p45r83


Hello Recently we changed our class name to an author and we changed ours to Hardy - after you! Our question for you is, how did you have the idea of the Griffin Gate Series? Hardy Class, East Borough Primary School.


Are you considering a career in teaching? Or are you already a teacher? We are offering the opportunity to visit one of our primary schools on Thurs 24 March 2022 between 3.30pm-5pm so you can see what we have to offer first-hand. Book here: https://t.co/ANKi3OvBIO


Are you considering a career in teaching? Or are you already a teacher? We are offering the opportunity to visit one of our primary schools on Thurs 24 March 2022 between 3.30pm-5pm so you can see what we have to offer first-hand. Book here: https://t.co/ANKi3OvBIO


Don't forget, tomorrow is Times Tables Rock Stars day, when all children can dress up as a rock star! We can't wait to see their outfits! pic.twitter.com/n7t3PuQJpb


Don't forget this Friday, pupils can bring in 50p to buy an ice pole! All the money raised will go towards the school playground appeal. pic.twitter.com/OwZX4G6r6r


Did you know that SET Tennis deliver lessons and clubs at East Borough? The children really enjoy these sessions, make good progress and we would definitely recommend the sessions to anyone who would like to give it a go! pic.twitter.com/WukI7aOoAe


Parent Breakfast! Come and join us for a light breakfast, after you have dropped your children off at the beginning of the day! Young children are welcome. Where: Main Hall When: Wednesday 13th October Teachers will drop in to say hello - we'd love to see you there. pic.twitter.com/R7zUmiwQy1


The PTA is looking to provide a second-hand uniform service and would greatly appreciate any donations of school jumpers or cardigans, summer dresses, logo t-shirts and grey skirts and trousers that are in good condition. Please bring your donations to the main school reception. pic.twitter.com/9PbKJ5nhhh


Well done, Sophia! Runner-up in the Big Writing Challenge! We are so proud. Find out more and read Sophia's fantastic story here - https://t.co/RKjF93AEdE pic.twitter.com/yg6OFa9Q2c


Would you like to join our friendly team? We are currently looking for a Teaching Assistant to work in our Specialist Resource Provision. You can find all the details on our website: https://t.co/KY7wa9ItQK pic.twitter.com/CVhLqDwbCD


A reminder that this Friday (25 June) is a staff development say so children do not need to come into school. pic.twitter.com/uvDErgLSOc


The latest edition of our Trust's Online Safety Newsletter is now available. This edition covers information and issues including: keeping your child safe online, social media, fake news, online grooming, protecting your privacy and online gaming.https://t.co/OwdVj18U11 pic.twitter.com/jjdZWhIB8i


Would you, or someone you know, like to train to teach?Come to one of our allocated sessions on Wednesday 30 June 2021, at the School of Science & Technology Maidstone, to find out about the courses that we offer through the Trust. More information here:https://t.co/iqfxMwnLmD


Would you like to join our friendly team at SST Maidstone? We are currently recruiting for a Learning Mentor to provide 1:1, small group and class-based support. You can find all the details, and apply, here:https://t.co/WfR4eLpzI5 pic.twitter.com/Y1y6YsAGsN


Would you, or someone you know, like to train to teach?Come to one of our allocated sessions on Wednesday 30 June 2021, at the School of Science & Technology Maidstone, to find out about the courses that we offer through the Trust. More information here:https://t.co/Duw2yziCvx pic.twitter.com/oPoVPZtOIi


At Valley Invicta Primary School at East Borough, we believe that excellent uniform is part of setting high academic standards. As a result, pupils will be expected to adhere to our uniform requirements at all times.

This means that uniform must be worn correctly both in and out of school. All items of uniform are available from our supplier, Pages - https://pages-schoolwear.co.uk/ - with some items available from other stores.

A full list of uniform can be found in the table below, with more detailed information in the pop-out sections at the bottom of the page.

This list was reviewed in September 2022 to reflect new legislation around school uniform affordability. A number of items which previously had to be purchased through our school uniform suppliers can now be purchased at any retailer.

Please note, also, that some items which were previously compulsory have now been made optional. If you wish to discuss any aspect of school uniform, please contact the school office.

Uniform Item


Optional but must be bought from official uniform supplier

Can be bought from any retailer

Pinafore - grey, or skirt - grey or tartan (Reception and Year 1)




Polo shirt (with logo) minimum of ONE per pupil for formal photographs




Polo shirt, white, every-day use




Jumper/cardigan (with logo)




Trousers/shorts, grey




Skirt, grey (from Year 2)




Summer dress




Tights (can be worn with pinafore/skirt), grey with skirt, or navy with pinafore




Socks, white




PE top, white




PE shorts, black or navy




PE jogging bottoms, black or navy




PE jumper, black or navy




PE fleece, navy








Shoes, black





Summer uniform (optional) can be worn after Easter half term until October half term (weather depending).

Winter uniform should be worn after October half term until Easter.

Please direct any questions about uniform to the School Office. 

You can read the Trust's full statement on uniform here.

Click on the sections below for more detailed uniform information.

Uniform details

  • Grey trousers / shorts with grey ankle socks.
  • Grey skirts (or tartan in Reception and Year 1) / pinafores (no culottes) with white ankle socks (no frills or bows) or grey tights.
  • 1 white VIPS at East Borough polo t-shirt with a logo for school photographs or school trips where the pupils are representing East Borough (Pages Schoolwear).
  • Plain white polo t-shirts for everyday use (these can be purchased from any supplier but MUST have square edged collars (no frills).
  • VIPS at East Borough navy blue cardigan or jumper with logo (Pages Schoolwear).
  • Appropriate black school shoes – must not be trainers but should be suitable for wearing outside and running around at playtime!
  • In addition to the above, Year 1 pupils may continue to wear their tartan pinafore if it still fits.

For Pupils in Early Years, the above uniform applies but there is also an option to wear the official tartan box pleat skirt which is available from Pages Schoolwear.

If any child wishes to wear a summer dress from the start of Term 5, it MUST be the official VIAT green summer dress from Pages Schoolwear.

Pages are also supplying the new East Borough book bags and PE bags which you may purchase if should so wish.

PE Kit

  • Plain white round-neck t-shirt.
  • Black/navy sports shorts / skort (no tight cycling shorts).
  • Black/navy tracksuit trousers (no leggings).
  • Black/navy jumper (no hood).
  • Trainers or plimsolls.

Jewellery and Hair

A polite reminder that children need to have their hair cut in a style that it suitable for school – no extreme hair cuts please!  Any child with hair that is shoulder length or longer, or has a long fringe, will be asked to tie or clip their hair back.  Any hair adornments should be navy blue or green and not be large bows or ribbons.

Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery to school other than a pair of plain stud earrings or a watch. These must be removed on PE days and parents should provide a small container that pupils can put this into for safe keeping.

Make up and nail varnish

Make up and nail varnish are not allowed while at school, at any time.

Second-hand Uniform

The PTA collect donations of second-hand uniform and hold regular sales throughout the year. These are advertised on the parent bulletin and via the parent email system.