Safety and Medical Procedures in School
Click on the titles below to find out more information on our procedures in school.
Visitors to School
In order to keep our children safe in school every day we would like to remind parents and visitors to East Borough of the following:
All adults (including parents, visitors and volunteers) must sign in at the school office before visiting a member of staff or a classroom. They will then be issued a visitors’ sticker before entering the main school building.
First Aid and Medical Needs
A number of our staff members have first aid and paediatric first aid qualifications. At East Borough in the event that First Aid is required we follow our First Aid Procedures that all staff have access to and are familiar with.
We follow the guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings published by HSC, further information on this can be found here.
Medical Care Plan
Some children may require a medical care plan while at school, if your child has a medical condition that requires a care plan please ensure you contact the school office and complete a medical care plan form.
All medical care plans will be reviewed by the school on an annual basis and parents must inform the school of any changes that need to be made throughout the course of the year.
Administering Medicines
Parents must notify the school of any medical issues relating to their child including any medication.
If a child requires medicine during the school day, to make sure they receive the right dose at the right time, parents must complete a form from the school office and leave the medicine with the office staff. The medicine must be collected by an adult from the school office at the end of the day. Children are not allowed to have medicine in their own bags or self medicate.
It is the parents responsibility to ensure that the school are provided with the medication their child requires in school, for example: asthma pump, epipen and long term medication. Parents must collect this at the end of each term and ensure that it is 'in date' and returned to school the following term.
Site Safety
We have a comprehensive Health and Safety policy to ensure that our premises are safe for all. This includes undertaking risk assessments for all school activities, trips, as well as for aspects of the site.
We have an 'Evacuation Procedure' and 'Lockdown Procedure' that all staff have access to and are familiar with.